The gift of narcissism and self-fulfilling delusion

“Every feeling you’ve ever had is true.”

“Your gut is the one thing that doesn’t lie to you.”

“If you feel deception, you’re being lied to. Period.”

“If you feel you are being lied to, you are 100% right. You are being lied to.”

Are we being serious here? Do serious people accept these statements as anything other than encouraging narcissism and laying the bedrock for a self-insulating rhetorical model for retaining a following?

“What you’re seeing is evil done for its own sake [by people who disagree with me]. Hurting people for the sake of hurting people. […] I’ve never attacked anyone for not sharing my views. […] They hate the truth. If you are governed by people who actively hate the truth and who lie for the sheer animal thrill of doing so, you are living in a dark time under very dark people”


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