Total Disregard for Reality

In court for flying trump flags near a Biden bus!…
Oh, and brandishing weapons, yelling death threats, and assaulting part of the motorcade with a truck (deadly weapon). But these people “do their own research”, so they must know this, right?

This is exactly how the right-wing media ecosystem treats the law as it applies to their in-group. Distort, deny, grievance monger, distort, deny, repeat.

(Trump just did what other presidents and politicians have done with confidential documents! Except there are massive piles of evidence that he’s illegally avoided and misled to retain information that he knows it’s illegal for him to have. This is unique, obviously.)

The video below shows the moving vehicle assault. Also, the court record is linked below, outlining the accusations (which are obviously more than flying a conflicted felon Trump flag).

We must stop people from considering the track record of their sources!

This guy is such a nut.

“The curriculum for media literacy is about how not to do your own research.”

No, they’re about knowing your own limitations and having the prudent respect for the expertise and track record others have built over a lifetime.

He conflates poor track records with “alternative sources”. Silly dude.

Thank god for the medical literacy curriculum. It seems the only way to improve the population’s focus on track-record-based credibility will be generational because when you lose it, there are a seemingly endless number of self-insulating hucksters ready to manipulate broken trust profiles to radicalize for influence and profit.

Pretending ten seconds from one hallway defines the entirety of J6

It’s almost as if at other places or other times, these and other people might have been behaving differently.

Mind-blowing, I know. 🤯

An R0 lesson in preventing community transmission

The crux: just because a vaccinated person can shed a disease doesn’t mean that the unvaccinated population is not responsible for community outbreaks.

Here’s why:

Transmission levels in a community are measured by R0 (“R naught”), which represents the average number of transmissions per case of any disease.

No vaccination is bullet-proof. We intend them to reduce the number of transmissions caused by the vaccinated individual. Even though vaccinated individuals shed mumps, they shed it less than their unvaccinated counterparts (source).

If we really consider this, though, it’s obvious. If the vaccinated got and transmitted mumps as though they were not vaccinated, unvaccinated individuals would get mumps at the same rate, regardless of outbreaks, because everyone around them would be getting it and passing it as though the vaccine didn’t exist. Of course, this isn’t what happens because the vaccine successfully reduces R0 and reduces it to under 1 (the minimum requirement for ongoing community spread) when the population has a healthy vaccination rate.

Presenting election interference as “mockery”

Here are two of the posts he was convicted for:

I’m not surprised that Tucker chose not to show the posts’ actual content. It seems they would have been a critical piece of the story to share for any journalist worth their salt, but let’s not pretend Tucker is a journalist.

I’m not sure what Tucker is suggesting is mocking here (“The First Amendment is done. Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet.”). Note that the second counterfeit ad above says “paid for by Hillary for president,” a clear attempt to mislead. Tucker says, “Hillary Clinton […] dismisses out of hand that you have a first amendment right to make fun of her.” He goes on to quote Clinton: “people say all kinds of things about us, but his went from running a very deliberate effort to mislead people about where and how to vote in an effort to subvert the election.”

Ironically, this Clinton quote is the most sane thing said about the situation in the entire interview.

A jury of his peers found him guilty.

This was Douglass Mackey’s second conviction for attempting to suppress votes, the first being in 2016.

There are laws for nonviolent behavior…

“Defendant overran multiple police defensive lines.”
“Sheppard was found guilty [by a jury of his peers] in January of obstruction of an official proceeding, a felony, entering and remaining in a restricted grounds or building, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.”

The irony loop eats it’s own tail.

She thinks this is real. 😳

Real clip here:

I guess it wasn’t an engineered event…